Thursday, November 13, 2008

Accelerate your web pages

Web surfers hate to wait for slow loading web pages. If your web pages don't load fast enough, many web surfers will go away without taking a look at them. No matter how great your product is: if your web site is not fast enough, web surfers won't see it. Fast loading Busby SEO Test web pages are crucial if you want to sell something on the Internet.

There are several things you can do to speed up your site. Of course, you should make sure that your web host provides fast and reliable servers. In addition to hosting your web site on a fast server, you can do the following to improve the loading time of your web pages:
  • Reduce the number of graphics
A large number of graphics on your web pages can considerably slow down your page. For each
graphic on your web page, the web browser has to make another connection to your server.
If you cannot reduce the number of graphics on your web page, then try to combine several graphics to a single bigger one. Use the same graphics on your other web pages so that web browsers can load the graphics from the browser cache.
  • Specify the dimensions of your graphics
Always make sure to include the height and width dimensions of your graphics in your HTML code. This means that every IMG tag should have the WIDTH and HEIGHT attributes specified.
If web browsers don't have to figure out the dimensions of your graphics, they can already display placeholders and start displaying the text of your web page before loading the graphics from the server.

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